November 12th, 2024

posted in: 2024 | 0


Randy Epstein – Treasurer and Secretary
Tyler Coates
Michael Costello – Chair
Graham Paul Wooden
Michael Still – Vice Chair
Savvas Bout

Meeting commenced at 3:08pm Eastern.

Discussion was had by the Board regarding Officer positions. Michael Costello indicated that he would interested in the Chairman position. Further discussion was had among the group and Michael Costello was nominated as Chairman. Michael Costello accepted the nomination. The members supported the nominee and Michael Costello was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors.

The next position discussed was Vice Chair. Michael Still self nominated and no others were interested in the position. Michael Still’s nomination was supported by the Board and Michael Still was appointed Vice Chair of the Board of Directors.

The next position discussed was Treasurer. Randy and Graham both indicated they were interested in the position. The group had a discussion and Graham indicated that he would withdraw his nomination. Randy accepted the nomination and the Board appointed Randy Treasurer.

The final position discussed was Secretary. Randy indicated that he would like to remain Secretary. The Board supported the nomination and Randy was appointed Secretary.

Michael Costello moved to accept the minutes from the October meeting. Michael Still seconded, and the motion passed.

Savvas brought up budget concerns as well as marketing. The group discussed both items. It was agreed that we would be more formal in the budget planning and reporting moving forward.

Randy brought up the need to set up a new Compensation Committee. It was agreed that the new Compensation Committee would consist of Michael Costello, Graham Paul Wooden, and Savvas Bout. They would meet as soon as possible and report back to the Board their recommendations.

Finally, the Board dicussed membership growth and the need for some switch and DWDM augmentations.

Michael Costello moved to adjourn, Graham seconded. Meeting adjourned at 3:57pm Eastern.