December 3rd, 2024

posted in: 2024 | 0


Randy Epstein – Treasurer and Secretary
Michael Costello – Chair
Graham Paul Wooden
Michael Still – Vice Chair
Savvas Bout

Not in attendance:

Tyler Coates

Meeting commenced at 3:05pm Eastern.

Michael Costello moved to accept the minutes from the November meeting. Michael Still seconded, and the motion passed.

The first item on the agenda was Executive Director compensation for 2025 and the Board held an executive session at 3:07 pm Eastern to discuss this matter. The Chair called a motion on the compensation package, with Randy abstaining. Graham seconded and the motion passed. The executive session ended at 3:12 pm Eastern.

The second item on the agenda was the Dell warranty/support for the existing servers in both Miami and Atlanta, which will end on June 30th, 2025. Dell quoted $10,689.79 for 4 additional years of support (ending on June 30th, 2029). Vote will follow.

The third item on the agenda was regarding purchasing two additional Dell servers, one for each market. Randy will continue working with Dell on the quote and we’ll put it to a vote in early 2025 after the final budget is presented.

The fourth item on the agenda was regarding signing a 5-year agreement with both Databank and Lightpath for dark fiber service between 36 NE 2nd and 50 NE 9th. Randy explained how this will enhance our service offering at both Databank and Colohouse. The Board was in agreement. Vote will follow.

Discussion was held on sponsoring NANOG 93 in Atlanta, as well as our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in early 2025 with no definitive plans as of yet. Randy and Michael Costello will follow-up with NANOG and see if something works for us, otherwise, we will hold the AGM virtually as we’ve done in the past.

Michael Costello delegated to Randy to make motions on the remaining items that require a vote.

Randy made a motion to approve the Lightpath contract and Michael Costello seconded. The motion passed.

Randy made a motion to approve the DataBank contract and Michael Costello seconded. The motion passed.

Randy made a motion to approve the Dell server maintenance contract and Graham seconded. The motion passed.

Michael Costello moved to adjourn, Randy seconded. Meeting adjourned at 3:55pm Eastern.