August 6th, 2024

posted in: 2024 | 0


Ryan Woolley
Randy Epstein
Michael Costello
Tyler Coates
Graham Paul Wooden

Not in attendance:

David Temkin

Meeting commenced at 6:05pm Eastern.

Ryan moved to accept the minutes from the June meeting. Graham seconded, and the motion passed.

Randy reported that the cutover at Equinix-MI1 to the 7289s was smooth on the physical side. There was an issue on the first night with the BLOCK-BGP filter when it was reapplied to the 7504 that caused an issue for some members still connected to it. Second night maintenance went very smoothly. Some additional cleanup is required at the site, as long as some additional patching for new ports. Randy noted that members with multiple routers were split among the two edge switches, and members with multiple ports in a LAG were spread among different cards to provide as much redundancy as possible. Lastly, cross-link capacity between the two 7289s has a large amount of headroom.

Ryan noted he has some patching to do in Atlanta as well as splitting some members between edge01/edge02 at Equinix-AT1.

A technical conversation regarding potential future switch upgrades was had between Ryan, Randy and Michael.

Michael provided a systems update. All services have been moved to the Dell servers from the old Netflix donated servers. Michael will shut down the old servers.

Discussion between Ryan and Randy regarding the 2024 Board of Directors election schedule. Tentative schedule for Declaration of Candidacy will be between August 14th and August 28th and election will take place between September 6th and September 20th.

Michael brought up a possible tech solution Randy mentioned in Slack to provide an aggregation point for ISP members. Discussion was had among the entire group on technical and legal concerns. Will discuss during a future tech committee call.

Ryan noted that we should move the scheduled September 3rd board meeting to the following week (September 10th) due to the Labor Day holiday. Randy will update the invite.

Ryan moved to adjourn, and Michael seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 6:56pm Eastern.