April 2nd, 2024   

posted in: 2024 | 0


Ryan Woolley

Randy Epstein

Graham Paul Wooden

Not in attendance:

David Temkin

Tyler Coates

Michael Costello

Meeting commenced at 6:02pm Eastern.

Ryan moved to accept the minutes from the February meeting. Graham seconded, and the motion passed.

Old Business:

ARIN approved and assigned a new /23 for the FL-IX LAN.

Voting company has been chosen and Randy will prep for an election.

Arista invoices are paid up to date.

Randy is working on tax filings with the CPA, and shortly thereafter will work on a budget with her.

New Business:

Discussion was had regarding staggering board terms and reducing the board size, as well as a transition plan for board members not returning. Will bring up with the full board in a future meeting.

Discussion regarding another IX that was looking for some assistance. Proposed a potential solution for them and Graham will follow-up.

Ryan moved to adjourn, and Randy seconded.

Meeting adjourned at 6:43pm Eastern.