June 2, 2020

posted in: 2020 | 0


Not in attendance:

Meeting commenced at 6:04pm Eastern

Motion to approve minutes from the May 5, 2020 meeting made by Dave, seconded by Ryan. Motion passed.

Dave provided an update on finances.

Ryan reported that IBN has accepted the engagement to provide IXP Manager install/upgrades for CIX-ATL.

Dave reported that Equinix has agreed to a space and power arrangement for their AT1 and AT2/3 sites.

Randy reported that the switch recovery from Miami is complete, and will send the two switches to Ryan for use in Equinix AT1 and AT2/3. No specific installation date is planned for Equinix or 55 Marietta still due to safety and access issues in downtown Atlanta.

Motion to adjourn made by Dave, seconded by Randy.

Meeting adjourned at 6:19pm